Synonym: as was common. Similar words: unusual, casual, casualty, visual, persuade, versus, measure up, suspend. Meaning: adv. in the usual manner.
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211. But he smiled with his lips, as usual, giving no clue to change.
212. She halted, left a trifle breathless as usual by the sight of him in a dress suit.
213. Cousin Noreen had been keeping her ears wide open as usual, and she told him what she'd managed to find out.
214. She greeted him as usual, showing not the slightest aggression.
215. Her brain, as usual, seemed to have seized up in Roman's overpowering company.
216. This change has involved more than just mixing up kids and carrying on business as usual.
217. Dan appeared in jeans, wearing his cap backward as usual.
218. It's been politics as usual - all talk and no action.
219. There was George - dull, dreary George - sprawled full-length on the settee, his nose deep in a book as usual.
220. As usual, after the first appreciative murmurs, we sat and ate our meal in silence.
221. As usual, he is emphatic that the answer has nothing to do with the individuals who actually run the state.
222. The dogs were there as usual[sentence dictionary], loitering in their pack.
223. Sometimes it is enough to scrub with ordinary bleach and rinse off, sealing with polyurethane afterwards as usual.
224. Small and thin, Terri was dressed, as usual, in the manner of a deranged Victorian governess.
225. The company, which employs 70 staff, say work goes on as usual, the fire was confined to a storage area.
226. The skin over lower back and draped as usual.
227. Xiangzi stood there , straight as a ramrod . As usual (, he could think of nothing to say.
228. You'll sail through English as usual; you seem to find it easy to learn.
229. As usual, these are the voyages of the starship, Enterprise as Kirk would say.
230. Athena : As usual, I feel compelled to restate the problem.
231. Unfortunately, fixing the slipstream drive is proving to be difficult, as usual.
232. So China, as usual, will be rooting for the KMT.
233. But, as usual, the Army's demands for vehicles of all kinds seeded wildly extravagant.
234. As usual, Miss Osborne, owing to her moderate salary, was for securing a home engagement.
235. As usual as she slowly removed a prosthetic left leg.
236. The Grandstand of the Taipa Racecourse will be opened for Members and public as usual.
237. As usual, the goods have been insured on WA terms.
More similar words: unusual, casual, casualty, visual, persuade, versus, measure up, suspend, sustain, suspect, measure up to, all of a sudden, measurement, consensus, suspicion, suspicious, sustainable, manual, ritual, sexual, annual, actual, mutual, virtual, actually, sexually, annually, qualify, gradually, virtually.